Hello World!

Hello!! Welcome to my blog and my website . My name is Carol Salvato and I am an enthusiast in the development of intelligent systems for digital games. Read a little more about me and my projects in this post.

    Hello!! Welcome to my blog and my website . My name is Carol Salvato and I am an enthusiast in the development of intelligent systems for digital games. Read a little more about me and my projects in this post.


First, a little about my beginning:


      My journey through programming starts in mid-2019 and 2010. I got my first computer and as a good lover of digital games, I was playing games like GTA, Ragnarok, and others. After a time just playing I discovered that anyone could create their Ragnarok server. So I dedicated myself to trying to create, and It was a good experience. After that, I became interested in game development and started to research and study it. I remember going to a newsstand and buying a game development magazine that came with a CD with a version of RPG Maker. This was my first real contact with game development, but I still felt limited about what I could create, so I decided to study programming (or almost), I started with ActionScript, and I created my first game, in flash, with the name “The Grape Skater” (A Uva Patinadora in Portuguese). , it is a simple and short platform game that is still available today. Then I discovered Blender 3D, UDK (Unreal Development Kit), and Unity Engine and with them, I started studying C, C++, and then C#. I remember in my free time writing codes and more codes on a sheet of paper, trying to translate all my ideas into programming logic. In 2013 (first semester) I joined the Computer Science course at a private university. But in the second semester of 2013, I got a place at the Federal Institute (IFSP) to study Technology in Systems Analysis and Development, so I changed my course and college. And it was the best thing I did, because the new course was more focused on programming and entrepreneurship which was what most interested me, and I had contact with excellent professors. I made two scientific initiations in the area and game development and artificial intelligence and decided to go to graduate school. I graduated in July 2016, and in August 2017 I joined the Master’s course in Computer Engineering, in the area of Intelligent Systems. In my project, I had the opportunity to work with AI for games, and what can I say? I fell in love with this specific area, and since then I have been dedicating myself to becoming an expert in this field, which is growing and has been gaining more and more visibility. I can say that my goal is to become an expert and a great professional in this area.

Now, a little about me and my projects in Artificial Life Game Code.


What is ALGC?


      Artificial Life Game Code (ALGC) is a big personal project which involves several small projects related to the study and development of digital games and intelligent systems. This started in 2014 when I created my blog Artificial Life Game Code (ALGameCode). The blog’s goal was to publish tips and tutorials related to game programming and development. In it, I published everything I learned and studied, as a form of reinforcement for me, and sharing information with everyone. With graduation and then graduate school, from time to time the blog did not receive updates. But at some point, I was always back with better and better quality publications. I worked for a while writing tutorials for a website and then I decided to treat my blog posts with the same quality, and still take it as a hobby, but with a lot of quality. Today, I seek to make you a source of information and a high-quality experience. However, currently, the idea of the ALGC project goes far beyond the blog. There is also a channel and several mini-projects that aim to share experiences and develop technologies for the areas it covers. See below what is worked on in the ALGameCode project.

      My current plans for the ALGC project involve the creation of articles, videos, and projects related to the development of games for humans and artificial systems, and the development of intelligent systems using various techniques, in the end applying everything to games.

H.C. Salvato. “Hello World!”. March 9, 2021