What is ALGC?

Artificial Life Game Code

Make Games for Humans

Using intelligent systems to assist in the process and improve the quality of the games.

Codes, Articles, Videos, Games and more Codes

Artificial Life Game Code (ALGC) is a big personal project which involves several small projects related to the study and development of digital games and intelligent systems. 

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Articles, Devlogs and Tutorials

About projects under development. Eeveryone can follow the steps of projects.

Games for AI Systems

Who said that AI systems can't have fun? Use games as an application environment, is fun way to visualize AI learning.

Artificial Minds for Games

Development of intelligent systems capable of playing games.

Vídeos About Develops

Videos explaining or demonstrating in a fun way, or the development and results of games and intelligent systems.

Youtube Channel

Get to know my YouTube channel, where I share knowledge and development stages and the results of games, experiments, artificial intelligence systems, etc.


I try to maintain two blogs, the first ALGameCode, is a simple blog, with more simple and short publications, but in Portuguese (my native language). The second is present within this site, a blog in English where I publish larger and more complete articles about my projects and studies.

Copyright © 2021 Hellen Caroline Salvato | ALGC